Leveraging Data to Improve Health
Data & Health Information Technology (HIT)
The Arizona Alliance for Community Health Centers (the Alliance) supports Community Health Centers (CHCs) in caring for patients by spearheading the adoption of data and health information technology (HIT). Through data and analytics, we generate actionable insights that equip CHCs to build strong multidisciplinary teams and continually deliver quality, culturally competent, and integrated care. We support staff in sourcing technology solutions, and we’re on hand to assist staff with day-to-day workflows and the implementation of HIT.
Data is integral to telling the story of Arizona’s CHCs and demonstrating the quality and value of the services they provide.
To leverage data to improve health, we:
- Advance the use of HIT through our Health Center Controlled Network
- Work with CHCs to develop policies and procedures related to clinical guidelines, care coordination, and population health management that promote quality and cost effectiveness in the delivery of integrated healthcare
- Support CHCs in implementing HIT that provides actionable data to improve patient care
- Improve care delivery by identifying and responding to social determinants of health, facilitating sharing of data, and increasing accuracy of CHC reporting
- Identify and disseminate opportunities and resources to address CHC cybersecurity challenges
Title of the Dashboard
Strategic Data-HIT Roadmap

CVN currently holds a three-year grant from The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) under its Health Center Controlled Network (HCCN) Program. This funding supports the provision of training and technical assistance to 28 health centers across Arizona and Nevada participating in CVN’s Healthy Communities Collaborative Network focused on leveraging HIT to increase participation in value-based care models and reimbursement. To move towards value-based care delivery, we must advance data sharing and analytics capacity and the use of population health management tools.
In addition to our partnership with CVN, the Alliance strives to develop strategic initiatives that allow us to anticipate, analyze, and respond to issues related to primary care service markets, strategic planning, and technical assistance for our member CHCs. Our strategic roadmap (pictured below) guides our Data and HIT team in the development and coordination of association-wide data collection and analysis programs and the creation and execution of plans to deliver strategic data management initiatives to meet the needs of our CHCs.
The Alliance and CVN currently partner with 14 Arizona health centers to advance data collection and monitoring through the Azara DRVS platform – a centralized data reporting and analytics solutions that facilitates care transformation, drives quality improvement, aids in cost reduction, and simplifies mandated reporting. Data is reviewed monthly through our Quality Improvement Committee, HCCN check-in calls, and quarterly Azara user group meetings to identify opportunities for improvement in care delivery and monitor clinical, operational, and financial outcomes. To learn more about our Data and HIT program, contact HCCN Project Director, Lindsay Dietz, at LindsayD@healthyarizona.org.